Maine’s MAGA Republicans are working to erode trust in our election system and threaten our democracy. Republican candidates for Maine’s statehouse called into question our election system, spread dangerous conspiracy theories, and refused to condemn the insurrection and its deadly violence. If Republicans take control of Maine’s legislature, it could spell disaster for our democracy and voting rights.
Eric Brakey:
Running for SD-20
- Downplayed the insurrection and shared claims of a stolen election
- Echoed Great Replacement Theory rhetoric, including that Democrats are trying a “mass importation of new voters,” that has inspired mass shooters and has called the Southern Poverty Law Center “a hate group”
Jeffery Hanley:
Running for SD-14
- Repeatedly shared claims of a stolen election and followed a Facebook page that spread misinformation about the 2020 election
- Voted “No” on a resolution to condemn the January 6th insurrection and related violence
John Andrews, HD-30
- Signed onto legal efforts to block Michigan and other states from certifying their election results in an attempt to overturn the 2020 election results
- Voted “No” on a resolution to condemn the January 6th insurrection and related violence
Susan Bernard, SD-1
- Voted “No” on a resolution to condemn the January 6th insurrection and related violence
Mark Blier, HD-138
- Voted “No” on a resolution to condemn the January 6th insurrection and related violence
Richard Bradstreet, HD-61
- Voted “No” on a resolution to condemn the January 6th insurrection and related violence
Meldon Carmichael, HD-18
- Voted “No” on a resolution to condemn the January 6th insurrection and related violence
Amanda Collamore, HD-68
- Voted “No” on a resolution to condemn the January 6th insurrection and related violence
Jonathan Connor, HD-96
- Warned “without voter integrity, there can be no democracy” and expressed support for putting up legal barriers to the ballot box
Danny Costain, HD-33
- Voted “No” on a resolution to condemn the January 6th insurrection and related violence
Gary Drinkwater, HD-27
- Voted “No” on a resolution to condemn the January 6th insurrection and related violence
John Ducharme, HD-71
- Voted “No” on a resolution to condemn the January 6th insurrection and related violence
Billy Bob Faulkingham, HD-12
- Voted “No” on a resolution to condemn the January 6th insurrection and related violence
Steven Foster, HD-32
- Voted “No” on a resolution to condemn the January 6th insurrection and related violence
Randall Greenwood, HD-56
- Voted “No” on a resolution to condemn the January 6th insurrection and related violence
Abigail Griffin, HD-34
- Months after the election was over, joined calls for a 50-state audit of the 2020 presidential election and possible decertification of the results
- Voted “No” on a resolution to condemn the January 6th insurrection and related violence
Randall Hall, HD-74
- Voted “No” on a resolution to condemn the January 6th insurrection and related violence
Sherman Hutchins, HD-17
- Voted “No” on a resolution to condemn the January 6th insurrection and related violence
Kathy Javner, HD-29
- Voted “No” on a resolution to condemn the January 6th insurrection and related violence
MaryAnne Kinney, SD-11
- Voted “No” on a resolution to condemn the January 6th insurrection and related violence
Michael Lemelin, HD-53
- Voted “No” on a resolution to condemn the January 6th insurrection and related violence
Laurel Libby, HD-90
- Voted “No” on a resolution to condemn the January 6th insurrection and related violence
John Linnehan, HD-13
- Falsely described the 2020 election as “a coup, the overthrow of the US free election system, the end of our constitutional republic”
- Used social media to cast doubt on the election and spread #stopthesteal conspiracy theories
Peter Lyford, SD-10
- Voted “No” on a resolution to condemn the January 6th insurrection and related violence
Sheila Lyman, HD-76
- Voted “No” on a resolution to condemn the January 6th insurrection and related violence
Richard Mason, HD-97
- Voted “No” on a resolution to condemn the January 6th insurrection and related violence
Sawin Millett Jr., HD-81
- Voted “No” on a resolution to condemn the January 6th insurrection and related violence
Joshua Morris, HD-91
- Voted “No” on a resolution to condemn the January 6th insurrection and related violence
Daniel Newman, HD-58
- Voted “No” on a resolution to condemn the January 6th insurrection and related violence
James Orr HD-59
- Implied it was suspicious he lost his last race after absentee ballots were counted
- Shares fake news and election conspiracies on social media
Wayne Parry, HD-140
- Voted “No” on a resolution to condemn the January 6th insurrection and related violence
Michael Perkins, SD-16
- Voted “No” on a resolution to condemn the January 6th insurrection and related violence
Jennifer Poirier, HD-70
- Voted “No” on a resolution to condemn the January 6th insurrection and related violence
Tracy Quint, HD-81
- Voted “No” on a resolution to condemn the January 6th insurrection and related violence
Mark Rouillard, HD-149
- Downplayed the January 6th attack on the Capitol, said there were no weapons found and promoted a debunked documentary that claimed the election was stolen
- Repeatedly implied support for violence against political opponents, ominously noting “we hold to [sic] many guns for this crap to fly”
Shelley Rudnicki, HD-67
- Voted “No” on a resolution to condemn the January 6th insurrection and related violence
Heidi Sampson, HD-136
- Months after the election was over, joined calls for a 50-state audit of the 2020 presidential election and possible decertification of the results.
- Voted “No” on a resolution to condemn the January 6th insurrection and related violence
James Thorne, HD-35
- Voted “No” on a resolution to condemn the January 6th insurrection and related violence
Joseph Underwood, HD-5
- Voted “No” on a resolution to condemn the January 6th insurrection and related violence